
Development of microfabricated plaforms for atomic quantum systems with applications in quantum computing and sensing.

Contributions to QuantumFrontiers

  • Established a regional TrapFab Facility which advances scalability, compactness and stability of atom and ion trap technology 
  • Advancement of engineering fabrication processes and research on integrating control techniques (optical, electronic) for scalable chip structures 
  • Improvements to coating technology, fine placement, chip integrated detectors and light-sources
  • Development of UHV, hand-held portable devices 
  • Basic research for the stimulation of future spin-offs e.g. in the technology sectors atom/ion traps and quantum computing 
  • Support for EU projects

Collaborative Innovation

  • Waveguide-traps (Kroker TUBS / Mehlstäubler, C. Ospelkaus PTB, LUH)
  • Hybrid assembly and socket technology: (Wurz LUH / C. Ospelkaus LUH, PTB / Waag TUBS)
  • Atom-Chips: (Wurz, Rasel LUH)
  • Cryogenic integrated microwave circuits (Issakov TUBS / Bieler PTB / C. Ospelkaus LUH, PTB)
  • fs-laser manufacturing of 3D ion traps (Chichkov LUH / Mehlstäubler PTB, LUH)
  • Ion-trap control electronics: (Schilling TUBS / Schöbel PTB / C. Ospelkaus LUH, PTB)

Scientific Output

  • Publications
    Heine H, Arnold AS, Le Gonidec M, Griffin PF, Riis E, Herr W et al. A compact high-flux grating chip cold atom source. New Journal of Physics. 2025 Mar 14;27:033019. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/adbc14
    Dubielzig T, Halama S, Hahn H, Zarantonello G, Niemann M, Bautista-Salvador A et al. Ultra-low-vibration closed-cycle cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap apparatus. Review of scientific instruments. 2021 Apr 13;92(4):043201. doi: 10.1063/5.0024423
    Strempel K, Römer F, Yu F, Meneghini M, Bakin A, Wehmann HH et al. Vertical 3D gallium nitride field-effect transistors based on fin structures with inverted p-doped channel. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2021 Jan;36(1):014002. Epub 2020 Oct 29. doi: 10.1088/1361-6641/abc5ff
    Tanaka U, Nakamura M, Hayasaka K, Bautista-Salvador A, Ospelkaus C, Mehlstäubler TE. Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator. Quantum Science and Technology. 2021 Mar 5;6(2):024010. doi: 10.1088/2058-9565/abe51a
    Nordmann T, Didier A, Doležal M, Balling P, Burgermeister T, Mehlstäubler TE. Sub-kelvin temperature management in ion traps for optical clocks. Review of scientific instruments. 2020 Nov 24;91(11):111301. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2008.04231, 10.1063/5.0024693, 10.1063/5.0160415
    Bautista-Salvador A, Zarantonello G, Hahn H, Preciado-Grijalva A, Morgner J, Wahnschaffe M et al. Multilayer ion trap technology for scalable quantum computing and quantum simulation. New journal of physics. 2019 Apr;21(4):043011. Epub 2019 Apr 8. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab0e46, 10.15488/10409
    Christ M, Kassner A, Smol R, Bawamia A, Heine H, Herr W et al. Integrated atomic quantum technologies in demanding environments: development and qualification of miniaturized optical setups and integration technologies for UHV and space operation. CEAS Space Journal. 2019 Dec 1;11(4):561-566. Epub 2019 May 25. doi: 10.1007/s12567-019-00252-0
    Hahn H, Zarantonello G, Schulte M, Bautista-Salvador A, Hammerer K, Ospelkaus C. Integrated 9Be+ multi-qubit gate device for the ion-trap quantum computer. npj Quantum information. 2019 Aug 16;5(1):70. Epub 2019 Aug 16. doi: 10.1038/s41534-019-0184-5, 10.15488/9283
    Hahn H, Zarantonello G, Bautista-Salvador A, Wahnschaffe M, Kohnen M, Schoebel J et al. Multilayer ion trap with three-dimensional microwave circuitry for scalable quantum logic applications. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2019 Jul 31;125(8):154. doi: 10.1007/s00340-019-7265-1
    Kassner A, Rechel M, Heine H, Herr W, Christ M, Krutzik M et al. Atom chip technology for use under UHV conditions. In Otto T, editor, Smart Systems Integration 2019: International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, SSI 2019. VDE Verlag GmbH. 2019. p. 69-75
    Zarantonello G, Hahn H, Schulte M, Bautista-Salvador A, Werner RF, Hammerer K et al. Robust and Resource-Efficient Microwave Near-Field Entangling ^{9}Be^{+} Gate. Physical review letters. 2019 Dec 31;123(26):260503. Epub 2019 Dec 26. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1911.03954, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.260503

TG Members

  • Involved Members and their Relevant Expertise
    Members Institution Relevant Expertise
    Friederike Giebel, Leader LUH Fabrication of Surface-Electrode Ion Traps for Scaling and Integration, MEMS- and CMOS-technology
    Christian Ospelkaus LUH / PTB Scalable Surface-Electrode Ion Traps; Integrated Microwave and RF Control Elements
    Amado Bautista-Salvador LUH / PTB Scalable Surface-Electrode Ion Traps
    Andreas Waag TUBS Coherent Light Field Control; Nanophotonics for Atom and Ion Manipulation; Hybrid integration of GaN LEDs with conductive substrates
    Mayra Garcés-Schröder TUBS Nanophotonics for Atom and Ion Manipulation
    Stefanie Kroker PTB / TUBS Complex Coupled High Index Waveguide Arrays ; Photonic Nanomaterials in the Strong Optomechanical Coupling Regime
    Liam Shelling-Neto PTB / TUBS Complex Coupled High Index Waveguide Arrays
    Tanja Mehlstäubler PTB / LUH Dynamics of ion Coulomb Crystals; Integrated Chip Traps and Optical Components
    Daniel Bennett PTB Integrated Chip Traps and Optical Components
    Dietmar Kracht LZH Advanced Light Sources; Precision Additive Manufacturing of Quantum Sensors; High power solid-state single frequency amplifiers
    Christian Zander / Christian Hoff LZH Precision Additive Manufacturing of Quantum Sensors
    Boris Chichkov LUH Nanoscale Materials Processing
    Ulf Hinze LUH Nanoscale Materials Processing
    Marc Christopher Wurz LUH Development of compact vacuum pumps, pressure measruement devices and miniaturized Rb sources; Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Alexander Kassner LUH Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Ernst M. Rasel LUH Quantum Gravimeters; Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Milutin Kovacev LUH Enhanced Optical Nonlinearities and High-Harmonic Generation
    Philip Mosel LUH Enhanced Optical Nonlinearities and High-Harmonic Generation
    Markus Kromrey PTB Integrated Chip Traps and Optical Components
    Waldemar Herr LUH Quantum Gravimeters; Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Hendrik Heine LUH Quantum Gravimeters; Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Sven Abend LUH Quantum Gravimeters; Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Jacob Stupp LUH Fabrication of Surface-Electrode Ion Traps, Micro-structuring of Substrates & Assembly
    Eike Iseke LUH Fabrication of Surface-Electrode Ion Traps, Micro-structuring of Substrates & Assembly
    Julia-Aileen Coenders LUH Fabrication of 3D Ion Traps, Micro-structuring of Substrates & Assembly
    Nila Krishnakumar PTB Fabrication of Surface-Electrode Ion Traps, Micro-structuring of Substrates & Assembly
    Konstantin Thronberens PTB Fabrication of Surface-Electrode Ion Traps, Micro-structuring of Substrates & Assembly