QuantumFrontiers' research focuses on the basic pillars of metrology: foundations and applications. The foundations of metrology focus on the fundamental properties of light, matter and their interactions. QuantumFrontiers scientists thus create the theoretical, conceptual and engineering foundations for applications in metrology and fundamental physics. These applications for metrology are the focus of the second research area: from measuring with nanoscale molecules to the development of truly macroscopic gravitational wave detectors.
Foundations of Metrology
Exploring Light

Within the research area Foundations of Metrology scientists focus on Exploring Light. They model, engineer and realize light sources with tailored properties for enhanced metrology. QuantumFrontiers’ scientists investigate a range of systems from single-electron and single-photon sources, quantum dots, nanostructured mirror coatings, nanophotonics, to spin squeezing resonators. These systems pave the way for improved gravitational wave detection, subwavelength manipulation of light, precision spectroscopy, and metrology with single quanta.
Exploring Matter

Within the research area Foundations of Metrology scientists focus on exploring matter. They create quantum states of matter with novel functional features for enhanced metrology. QuantumFrontiers’ scientists exploit cold atom gas systems as well as photonic and solid-state many-body systems, exploring the rich links between these fields, including the properties of two-dimensional and topological materials, or the field of non-equilibrium many-body quantum systems. These diverse systems open up possibilities for bottom-up metrology with single quantum systems and interferometry with strong non-classical correlations.
Applications in Metrology
On small scales

Within the research area Applications in Metrology scientists enable new applications on small scales. They perform new tests of our understanding of fundamental physics at unprecedented levels of precision as well as the realization of new compact technologies. QuantumFrontiers’ scientists implement tests to study General Relativity, Beyond Standard Model Physics, light and matter in microgravity, quantum computation concepts and quantum-optomechanics.
On large scales

Within the research area Applications in Metrology scientists enable new applications on large scales. They are world leaders in the development of laser interferometric readout systems for terrestrial and space-based gravitational wave detectors as well as satellite gravimetry, accurate optical clocks and optical clock networks for Earth monitoring, as well as novel sensors for navigation in dynamic environments. They use this expertise to carry out precision measurements that allow them to explore and potentially uncover new physics in for example, the fields Gravitational Wave Astronomy and Geodesy.