Education and Outreach

Offer MasterClasses to bring modern research topics to schools; develop teaching material and study programs on Quantum Technologies.

Contributions to QuantumFrontiers

  • An exchange platform for a diverse cross-section across the QuantumFrontiers consortium to collaborate on education and outreach activities.

Collaborative Innovation

  • Developing experiments, learning material and exhibits for exhibitions and the MasterClasses
  • Establishing the areas of specialization (“Vertiefungsrichtungen”) and master programs in Quantum Engineering at TUBS and LUH
  • Supporting national and EU initiatives in Quantum Education
  • Develop programs in Outreach, training and education to bring QT to wider audiences

Scientific Output

  • Publications
    Greinert F, Voss T, Müller R, Krieg L, Muthusamy G, Rücker F et al. Ein spielerischer Einstieg in die Quantenprogrammierung mit QuantumVR. PhyDid B-Didaktik der Physik-Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung. 2022.
    Scheer S, Ghanbari A, Friege G, Müller R. Masterclasses in Quantenphysik. PhyDid B - Didaktik der Physik - Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung. 2020 Sept 22;2020:267-270.

TG Members

  • Involved Members and their Relevant Expertise
    Members Institution Relevant Expertise
    Rainer Müller, Leader TUBS MasterClasses
    Gunnar Friege LUH MasterClasses
    Stina Scheer LUH MasterClasses
    Azadeh Ghanbari LUH MasterClasses
    Rüdiger Scholz LUH DQ-mat foeXlabs
    Nicolas Spethmann PTB Head of Quantum Technology Center PTB
    Heiko Brüning TUBS QuEEP, Exhibit Development
    Alexander Wanner LUH Support of Quantum Engineering “Vertiefungsrichtung”
    Matthias Weigelt LUH Exhibit Development
    Tara Liebisch PTB Development of learning material
    Ernst M. Rasel LUH Development of learning material
    Tanja Mehlstäubler PTB/LUH Support of Quantum Engineering “Vertiefungsrichtung”
    Tobias Voss TUBS Support of Quantum Engineering “Vertiefungsrichtung”
    Meinhard Schilling TUBS Speaker of IGSM and GRK NanoMet
    Claus Lämmerzahl ZARM Quantum Sensors in Free Fall; Relativistic Geodesy; Quantum Objects in Gravity
    Dennis Philipp ZARM General Relativity, relativistic geodesy
    Franziska Greinert TUBS Physics Education Research
    Kim Weber LUH Physics Education Research
    Laurenz Kötter TUBS Outreach
    Christian Engel LUH Outreach
    Christian Pfeifer ZARM Projekt: “Von Bremen ins Weltall”
    Tim Overwin TUBS Masterclasses
    Ina Barwich ZARM Schüler/innen-Programm, Outreach
    Isemt Dogan TUBS