Quantum Sensors for Geodetical Observations and Relativistic Geodesy

Develop and test quantum gravimeters and transportable optical clocks and demonstrate their benefit for Geodesy.

Contributions to QuantumFrontiers

This TopicalGroup is a joint TopicalGroup with the CRC TerraQ.

  • Relativistic geodesy with clocks
    • Development and tests of transportable optical clocks to an uncertainty of few 10^-18
    • Chronometric levelling with cm resolution using transportable optical clocks
    • Improvement of height networks with this novel method
    • Simulation of typical application scenarios in Geodesy
  • Quantum gravimetry
    • Development and tests stationary and transportable quantum gravimeters
    • Measurements of gravity with unprecedented uncertainty of a few nm/s²
    • Contributions to geodetic observation campaigns
    • Data analysis and gravity field models

Collaborative Innovation

  • Realizing quantum gravimetry for geodetic applications (Waldemar Herr, DLR-SI / Dennis Schlippert, LUH / Ernst Rasel, LUH / Jürgen Müller, LUH)
  • Establishing chronometric levelling with cm resolution as a routine tool for determining physical heights (Piet Schmidt, PTB / Christian Lisdat, PTB / Jürgen Müller, LUH)
  • Implementing a relativistic description of geodetic quantities (Claus Lämmerzahl, ZARM / Jürgen Müller, LUH)
  • Exchanging on common technologies and transferring lab-based link performance to robust in-field systems (LUH, DLR-SI and PTB)

Scientific Output

  • Publications
    Heine H, Arnold AS, Le Gonidec M, Griffin PF, Riis E, Herr W et al. A compact high-flux grating chip cold atom source. New Journal of Physics. 2025 Mar 14;27:033019. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/adbc14
    Grotti J, Nosske I, Koller SB, Herbers S, Denker H, Timmen L et al. Long-distance chronometric leveling with a portable optical clock. Physical review applied. 2024 Jun 3;21(6):L061001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.L061001
    Herbst A, Estrampes T, Albers H, Vollenkemper V, Stolzenberg K, Bode S et al. High-flux source system for matter-wave interferometry exploiting tunable interactions. Physical Review Research. 2024 Feb 2;6(1):013139. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.6.013139
    Lämmerzahl C, Perlick V. Potentials for general-relativistic geodesy. Physical Review D. 2024 Feb 14;109(4):044028. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.109.044028
    Voigt C, Sulzbach R, Dobslaw H, Weise A, Timmen L, Deng Z et al. Non-tidal ocean loading signals of the North and Baltic Sea from terrestrial gravimetry, GNSS, and high-resolution modeling. 2024. Epub 2024 Mar 25. doi: 10.22541/essoar.171136797.71160253/v1
    Albers H, Corgier R, Herbst A, Rajagopalan A, Schubert C, Vogt C et al. All-optical matter-wave lens using time-averaged potentials. Communications Physics. 2022 Mar 16;5(1):60. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2109.08608, 10.1038/s42005-022-00825-2
    Belenchia A, Carlesso M, Bayraktar Ö, Dequal D, Derkach I, Gasbarri G et al. Quantum physics in space. Physics reports. 2022 Mar 11;951:1-70. Epub 2022 Jan 6. doi: 10.1016/j.physrep.2021.11.004
    Herbers S, Häfner S, Dörscher S, Lücke T, Sterr U, Lisdat C. Transportable clock laser system with an instability of 1.6 × 10-16. Optics letters. 2022 Oct 15;47(20):5441-5444. doi: 10.1364/OL.470984
    Herbst A, Albers H, Stolzenberg K, Bode S, Schlippert D. Rapid generation of all-optical K39 Bose-Einstein condensates using a low-field Feshbach resonance. Physical Review A. 2022 Oct 21;106(4):043320. doi: 10.1103/physreva.106.043320
    Deppner C, Herr W, Cornelius M, Stromberger P, Sternke T, Grzeschik C et al. Collective-Mode Enhanced Matter-Wave Optics. Physical review letters. 2021 Sept 3;127(10):100401. Epub 2021 Aug 30. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.100401
    Gebbe M, Siemß JN, Gersemann M, Müntinga H, Herrmann S, Lämmerzahl C et al. Twin-lattice atom interferometry. Nature Communications. 2021 May 5;12(1):2544. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22823-8
    Hensel T, Loriani S, Schubert C, Fitzek F, Abend S, Ahlers H et al. Inertial sensing with quantum gases: a comparative performance study of condensed versus thermal sources for atom interferometry. European Physical Journal D. 2021 Mar 22;75:108. doi: 10.1140/epjd/s10053-021-00069-9, 10.48550/arXiv.2009.03635
    Lachmann MD, Ahlers H, Becker D, Dinkelaker AN, Grosse J, Hellmig O et al. Ultracold atom interferometry in space. Nature Communications. 2021 Dec;12(1):1317. Epub 2021 Feb 26. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21628-z
    Merlet S, Gillot P, Cheng B, Karcher R, Imanaliev A, Timmen L et al. Calibration of a superconducting gravimeter with an absolute atom gravimeter. Journal of geodesy. 2021 May 10;95(5):62. doi: 10.1007/s00190-021-01516-6
    Schubert C, Abend S, Gersemann M, Gebbe M, Schlippert D, Berg P et al. Multi-loop atomic Sagnac interferometry. Scientific Reports. 2021 Dec;11(1):16121. Epub 2021 Aug 9. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95334-7
    Timmen L, Gerlach C, Rehm T, Völksen C, Voigt C. Geodetic-Gravimetric Monitoring of Mountain Uplift and Hydrological Variations at Zugspitze and Wank Mountains (Bavarian Alps, Germany). Remote sensing. 2021 Mar 1;13(5):918. doi: 10.3390/rs13050918
    Zhong L, Sośnica K, Weigelt M, Liu B, Zou X. Time-Variable Gravity Field from the Combination of HLSST and SLR. Remote sensing. 2021 Sept 2;13(17):3491. doi: 10.3390/rs13173491
    Fitzek F, Siemß JN, Seckmeyer S, Ahlers H, Rasel EM, Hammerer K et al. Universal atom interferometer simulation of elastic scattering processes. Scientific Reports. 2020 Dec 17;10(1):22120. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-78859-1, 10.15488/10752
    Gersemann M, Gebbe M, Abend S, Schubert C, Rasel EM. Differential interferometry using a Bose-Einstein condensate. European Physical Journal D. 2020 Oct 1;74(10):203. doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10417-8
    Häfner S, Herbers S, Vogt S, Lisdat C, Sterr U. Transportable interrogation laser system with an instability of mod σy = 3 × 10−16. Optics express. 2020 May 25;28(11):16407-16416. doi: 10.1364/OE.390105
    Hartmann S, Jenewein J, Giese E, Abend S, Roura A, Rasel EM et al. Regimes of atomic diffraction: Raman versus bragg diffraction in retroreflective geometries. Physical Review A. 2020 May 8;101(5):053610. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.053610
    Heine N, Matthias J, Sahelgozin M, Herr W, Abend S, Timmen L et al. A transportable quantum gravimeter employing delta-kick collimated Bose–Einstein condensates. European Physical Journal D. 2020 Aug 25;74(8):174. doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10120-x, 10.15488/10683
    Heinze J, Vahlbruch H, Willke B. Frequency-doubling of continuous laser light in Laguerre–Gaussian modes LG0,0 and LG3,3. Optics letters. 2020 Sept 15;45(18):5262-5265. Epub 2020 Aug 12. doi: 10.1364/OL.402371, 10.1364/OL.410805
    Müller J, Wu H. Using quantum optical sensors for determining the Earth’s gravity field from space. Journal of geodesy. 2020 Jul 24;94(8):71. doi: 10.1007/s00190-020-01401-8, 10.15488/10716
    Philipp D, Hackmann E, Lämmerzahl C, Müller J. Relativistic geoid: Gravity potential and relativistic effects. Physical Review D. 2020 Mar 17;101(6):064032. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.064032
    Richardson LL, Nath D, Rajagopalan A, Albers H, Meiners C, Schubert C et al. Opto-mechanical resonator-enhanced atom interferometry. Communications Physics. 2020 Nov 13;3(1):208. doi: 10.1038/s42005-020-00473-4
    Schilling M, Wodey É, Timmen L, Tell D, Zipfel KH, Schlippert D et al. Gravity field modelling for the Hannover 10 m atom interferometer. Journal of Geodesy. 2020 Nov 27;94(12):122. doi: 10.1007/s00190-020-01451-y, 10.15488/10717
    Timmen L, Rothleitner C, Reich M, Schröder S, Cieslack M. Investigation of Scintrex CG-6 Gravimeters in the Gravity Meter Calibration System Hannover. AVN Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten. 2020;127(4):155-162.
    Weise A, Timmen L, Deng Z, Gabriel G, Rothleitner C, Schilling M et al. Observing ocean mass variability with spring gravimeters: Storm surge induced signals on the north sea island helgoland. AVN Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten. 2020;127(4):163-173.
    Wu H, Müller J. Towards an International Height Reference Frame Using Clock Networks. 2020. doi: 10.1007/1345_2020_97, 10.15488/14073
    Herbers S, Dörscher S, Benkler E, Lisdat C. Phase noise of frequency doublers in optical clock lasers. Optics express. 2019;27(16):23262-23273. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.023262
    Trimeche A, Battelier B, Becker D, Bertoldi A, Bouyer P, Braxmaier C et al. Concept study and preliminary design of a cold atom interferometer for space gravity gradiometry. Classical and quantum gravity. 2019 Nov;36(21):215004. Epub 2019 Oct 10. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1903.09828, 10.1088/1361-6382/ab4548
    Wu H, Müller J, Lämmerzahl C. Clock networks for height system unification: A simulation study. Geophysical journal international. 2018 Nov 28;216(3):1594-1607. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy508

TG Members

  • Involved Members and their Relevant Expertise
    Members Institution Relevant Expertise
    Waldemar Herr, Leader DLR-SI / LUH Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Ernst M. Rasel LUH Quantum Gravimeters; Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Jürgen Müller LUH Relativistic Geodesy; LLR Relativity Test; Application of Quantum Gravimetry
    Ludger Timmen LUH Geodesy with Gravimeters
    Christian Lisdat PTB Sr Optical Lattice Clock
    Piet O. Schmidt PTB / LUH Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions; Transportable Al+ Clock
    Heiner Denker LUH Gravity field modelling, geoid, height systems, chronometric levelling
    Matthias Weigelt LUH Satellite Gravimetry, Loading, deformation, gravity field, local modeling
    Christian Schubert DLR-SI / LUH Atom-Chip Based Gravimeters and Inertial Sensors
    Nina Heine LUH Quantum Gravimetry
    Sven Abend LUH Atom-chip based interferometry and inertial sensors for navigation
    Hendrik Heine LUH Atom Chip and Grating MOTs
    Claus Lämmerzahl ZARM General Relativity
    Dennis Philipp ZARM Relativistic Geodesy, formalism, framework, theory
    Ingo Noßke PTB Sr Optical Lattice Clock
    Manuel Schilling DLR-SI Absolute and relative gravimetry, gravity field modelling
    Tim Lücke PTB Sr Optical Lattice Clock
    Stephan Hannig PTB Transportable Al+clock, 3d-printed miniaturized vacuum chambers, optical breadboarding
    Julian Lemburg LUH Atom Chip and Grating MOTs
    Pablo Nunez von Voigt LUH Quantum Gravimetry
    Dennis Schlippert LUH Quantum Navigation, Very-long baseline atom interferometry