We are always looking for committed people to join our team. Unsolicited applications are possible at any time. Depending on your area of expertise, you can contact the leaders of the relevant Topical Groups or get in touch with the QuantumFrontiers Office. Be sure to stay informed via our LinkedIn channel.
We look forward to getting to know you.
Professorship positions (W1 and W3)
We offer you a stimulating research environment at the highest international level. You will have the opportunity to create outstanding collaborations and use excellently equipped facilities in the region (e.g. HITec, LENA, LNQE, LZH, ZARM, PTB) across the region for advancing your research programme.
Early Career Researcher and PostDoc Positions
A core goal of QuantumFrontiers is to offer long-term academic career perspectives to early career Researchers (tenure-track professorial positions, tenure-track independent group leader positions, permanent academic staff scientist positions, and the QuantumFrontiers Entrepreneur Excellence Programme – QuEEP) that are tailored to your ambitions. You can expect to find extensive support within QuantumFrontiers and at the universities and partner institutions to get your career on the best track.
PhD Positions
QuantumFrontiers PhDs are active members of the QuantumFrontiers International Research School (QFIRS), where they regularly interact with a full range of quantum-nanometrology colleagues and topics, and build long-lasting international networks.
Other positions and opportunities
Here you will find other interesting positions, we offer within the Cluster community or from our partners and collaborating institutions.