Success Story: Many-Body Quantum Systems

Magnetic force microscope image of the annihilation of individual skyrmions

Understanding many-body quantum systems is challenging due to complex interactions and entanglement, yet they are promising resources for quantum metrology. QuantumFrontiers researchers are among the pioneers to use quantum engineering and entangled many-body states to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and reduce systematic shifts in precision atom interferometry and optical clocks. These achievements in metrology have become possible by QuantumFrontiers’s collaboration between Leibniz University, TU Braunschweig, and the national metrology instutute PTB, which has made significant advancements in many-body quantum systems across ultra-cold gases and solid-state physics.

Breakthroughs in controlling and understanding long range interactions

We made significant theoretical and experimental progress in systems with long-range interactions. In dipolar gases, we brought polar molecules to the edge of quantum degeneracy [1] and contributed to the first experimental realisation of a two-dimensional dipolar supersolid [2, 3]. Furthermore, we advanced the understanding of polar lattice gases by highlighting non- ergodic dynamics without disorder [4] and novel features in disordered Heisenberg chains [5]. Our work on ion Coulomb crystals revealed fascinating energy and heat transport properties [6, 7] and new cooling techniques [8]. These results lay the foundation for quantum simulation and investigations into the suitability of these many-body states for precision measurements.

2D supersolid created from an ultra-cold gas.

Collaborations enable successful projects

Aspects of many-body quantum systems have also been considered in the solid-state regime. Regarding topological systems, the first measurement of signatures of skyrmions in thermal transport has been executed [9]. Networks of valley chiral channels in minimally  twisted-bilayer graphene under an electric field were predicted to exhibit unique metallic and insulating states of matter [10], and signatures of such edge channels have been measured in folded graphene [11]. Many-body effects in topological systems have been extensively investigated in transport setups [12], leading to potentially new building blocks for quantum technologies [13]. Mutual collaborations between the PIs, fostered by complementary research backgrounds, have led to highly successful projects, including the investigation of dynamics of cold atoms in tunable twisted-bilayer structures [14].

These collaborations consolidate the synergy between solid-state and cold-atom research within QuantumFrontiers, and have enabled us to address questions on many-body effects in disordered Heisenberg spin chains [5] and the role of long-range Coulomb interaction in electron-optics setups [15].
