Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967
Showing results 1 - 50 out of 753
Hackmann, E., Huckfeldt, M., Lämmerzahl, C., Philipp, D., & Rievers, B. (Accepted/in press). General relativity and geodesy. International Journal of Modern Physics D, Article 2540011.
Hartig, M. S., Paczkowski, S., Hewitson, M., Heinzel, G., & Wanner, G. (2025). Postprocessing subtraction of tilt-to-length noise in LISA in the presence of gravitational wave signals. Physical Review D, 111(4), Article 043048.
Huáng, N. J., Boland, J. L., Fijalkowski, K. M., Gould, C., Hesjedal, T., Kazakova, O., Kumar, S., & Scherer, H. (2025). Quantum anomalous Hall effect for metrology. Applied physics letters, 126(4), Article 040501.
Korshynska, K., Prykhodko, O. O., Gorbar, E. V., Jia, J., & Yakimenko, A. I. (2025). Vortex lines in ultralight bosonic dark matter around rotating supermassive black holes. Physical Review D, 111(2), Article 023006.
Kraus, B., Herbers, S., Nauk, C., Sterr, U., Lisdat, C., & Schmidt, P. O. (2025). Ultra-stable transportable ultraviolet clock laser using cancellation between photo-thermal and photo-birefringence noise. Optics letters, 50(2), 658-661.
Pick, J., Voß, J., Hirt, S., Kruse, J., Leopold, T., Schwarz, R., & Klempt, C. (2025). Low-power microstructured atomic oven for alkaline-earth-like elements. Physical review applied, 23(1), Article 014020., arXiv:2408.12471
Schlake, E., Barzel, R., Rätzel, D., & Lämmerzahl, C. (2025). Pulse shape optimization against Doppler shifts and delays in optical quantum communication. EPJ Quantum Technology, 12(1), Article 24.
Trova, A., & Hackmann, E. (2025). Non-Keplerian Charged Accretion Disk Orbiting a Black Hole Pulsar. Universe, 11(2), 45.
Yanchyshen, O., & Lämmerzahl, C. (2025). Gaussian orbital perturbation theory in Schwarzschild space-time in terms of elliptic functions. Classical and quantum gravity, 42(4), Article 045010.
Yin, Y., Kruskopf, M., Gournay, P., Rolland, B., Götz, M., Pesel, E., Tschirner, T., Momeni, D., Chatterjee, A., Hohls, F., Pierz, K., Scherer, H., Haug, R. J., & Schumacher, H. W. (2025). Graphene quantum Hall resistance standard for realizing the unit of electrical resistance under relaxed experimental conditions. Physical review applied, 23(1), Article 014025.
Amaro, D., Breton, N., Lämmerzahl, C., & Macías, A. (2024). Thermodynamics of the Einstein-Euler-Heisenberg rotating black hole. Physical Review D, 110(12), Article 124020.
Armano, M., Audley, H., Baird, J., Binetruy, P., Born, M., Bortoluzzi, D., Castelli, E., Cavalleri, A., Cesarini, A., Cruise, A. M., Danzmann, K., De Deus Silva, M., Diepholz, I., Dixon, G., Dolesi, R., Ferraioli, L., Ferroni, V., Fitzsimons, E. D., Freschi, M., ... Zweifel, P. (2024). Tilt-to-length coupling in LISA Pathfinder: Long-term stability. Physical Review D, 110(6), Article 063005.,
Asuküla, H., Hohmann, M., Karanasou, V., Bahamonde, S., Pfeifer, C., & Rosa, J. L. (2024). Spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in one-parameter new general relativity and their phenomenology. Physical Review D, 109(6), Article 064027.
Bahl, H., Carnelli, A., Déliot, F., Fuchs, E., Kotsokechagia, A., Marsault, T. L., Menen, M., Schoeffel, L., & Saimpert, M. (2024). CP-sensitive simplified template cross-sections for ttH. Journal of high energy physics, 2024(10), Article 214.
Barzel, R., Gündoğan, M., Krutzik, M., Rätzel, D., & Lämmerzahl, C. (2024). Entanglement dynamics of photon pairs and quantum memories in the gravitational field of the earth. Quantum, 8. Advance online publication.
Beev, N., Bastos, M. C., Martino, M., Valuch, D., Palafox, L., & Behr, R. (2024). Design and Metrological Characterization of a Digitizer for the Highest Precision Magnet Powering in the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 1-10. Article 6501710.
Belenchia, A., Spengler, F., Rätzel, D., & Braun, D. (2024). Non-linear media in weakly curved spacetime: optical solitons and probe pulses for gravimetry. New journal of physics, 26(8), Article 083010.
Bergmann, G., Cordes, C., Gentemann, C., Händchen, V., Qinglan, W., Yan, H., Danzmann, K., Heinzel, G., & Mehmet, M. (2024). A torsion balance as a weak-force testbed for novel optical inertial sensors. Classical and quantum gravity, 41(7), Article 075005.
Bermúdez Manjarres, A. D., Reginatto, M., & Ulbricht, S. (2024). Three statistical descriptions of classical systems and their extensions to hybrid quantum–classical systems. European Physical Journal Plus, 139(9), Article 780.
Bezděková, B., Tsupko, O. Y., & Pfeifer, C. (2024). Deflection of light rays in a moving medium around a spherically symmetric gravitating object. Physical Review D, 109(12), Article 124024.
Biskupek, L., Singh, V. V., Müller, J., & Zhang, M. (2024). Potential of Lunar Laser Ranging for the Determination of Earth Orientation Parameters. In J. T. Freymueller, & L. Sánchez (Eds.), Gravity, Positioning and Reference Frames - Proceedings of the IAG Symposia - GGHS2022: Gravity, Geoid, and Height Systems 2022; IAG Commission 4: Positioning and Applications, 2022; REFAG2022: Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, 2022 (pp. 235-242). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 156). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Bittermann, L., Dominguez, F., & Recher, P. (2024). Photonic cross-noise spectroscopy of Majorana bound states. Physical Review B, 110(4), Article 045429.
Bockhorn, L., Schuh, D., Reichl, C., Wegscheider, W., & Haug, R. J. (2024). Influence of the electron density on the giant negative magnetoresistance in two-dimensional electron gases. Physical Review B, 109(20), Article 205416.
Bonavena, L. D., Lequime, M., Vardaro, M., Zhao, Y., Barsuglia, M., Bawaj, M., Bertolini, A., Bonnand, R., Capocasa, E., De Laurentis, M., Ding, J., Di Pace, S., Flaminio, R., Garaventa, B., Grimaldi, A., Guo, Y., Jacquet, P.-E., Masserot, A., Mehmet, M., ... Zendri, J. P. (2024). Thermal detuning of a bichromatic narrow linewidth optical cavity. Phys. Rev. A, 109(4), 043709. Article 043709.
Bondza, S. A., Leopold, T., Schwarz, R., & Lisdat, C. (2024). Achromatic, planar Fresnel-reflector for a single-beam magneto-optical trap. Review of scientific instruments, 95(1), Article 013202.
Cassens, C., Meyer-Hoppe, B., Rasel, E., & Klempt, C. (2024). An entanglement-enhanced atomic gravimeter. Advance online publication.
Chang, T. T., Awazi, B. B., Berengut, J. C., Fuchs, E., & Doret, S. C. (2024). Systematic-free limit on new light scalar bosons via isotope shift spectroscopy in Ca+. Physical Review A, 110, Article L030801 .,
Chenxi, M. A., Yang, J., Pengji, L. I., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Zopf, M., & Ding, F. (2024). Circular photonic crystal grating design for charge-tunable quantum light sources in the telecom C-band. Optics express, 32(8), 14789-14800.,
Cornejo, J. M., Brombacher, J., Coenders, J. A., Von Boehn, M., Meiners, T., Niemann, M., Ulmer, S., & Ospelkaus, C. (2024). Resolved-sideband cooling of a single Be + 9 ion in a cryogenic multi-Penning-trap for discrete symmetry tests with (anti-)protons. Physical Review Research, 6(3), Article 033233.
Dani, O., Hussein, R., Bayer, J. C., Pierz, K., Kohler, S., & Haug, R. J. (2024). Direct measurement of spin-flip rates of a self-assembled InAs double quantum dot in single-electron tunneling. Physical Review B, 109(12), Article L121404.,
Dawel, F., Wilzewski, A., Herbers, S., Pelzer, L., Kramer, J., Hild, M. B., Dietze, K., Krinner, L., Spethmann, N. C. H., & Schmidt, P. O. (2024). Coherent photo-thermal noise cancellation in a dual-wavelength optical cavity for narrow-linewidth laser frequency stabilisation. Optics express, 32(5), 7276-7288.,
de Vasconcellos Lourenço, R., Horenburg, P., Henning, P., Bremers, H., Rossow, U., & Hangleiter, A. (2024). Strong evidence for diffusion of point defects in GaInN/GaN quantum well structures. AIP Advances, 14(4), Article 045122.
Dickmann, J., Shelling neto, L., Sauer, S., & Kroker, S. (2024). Moderate-coherence sensing with optical cavities: ultra-high accuracy meets ultra-high measurement bandwidth and range. Communications Engineering, 3(1), Article 17.
Direkci, S., Winkler, K., Gut, C., Hammerer, K., Aspelmeyer, M., & Chen, Y. (2024). Macroscopic quantum entanglement between an optomechanical cavity and a continuous field in presence of non-Markovian noise. Physical Review Research, 6(1), Article 013175.,
Domínguez-Castro, G. A., Bilitewski, T., Wellnitz, D., Rey, A. M., & Santos, L. (2024). Relaxation in dipolar spin ladders: From pair production to false-vacuum decay. Physical Review A, 110(2), Article L021302.,
Door, M., Yeh, C.-H., Heinz, M., Kirk, F., Lyu, C., Miyagi, T., Berengut, J. C., Bieroń, J., Blaum, K., Dreissen, L. S., Eliseev, S., Filianin, P., Filzinger, M., Fuchs, E., Fürst, H. A., Gaigalas, G., Harman, Z., Herkenhoff, J., Huntemann, N., ... Mehlstäubler, T. E. (2024). Search for new bosons with ytterbium isotope shifts. Advance online publication.
Dzinnik, M. J., Akmaz, N. E., Hannebauer, A., Schaate, A., Behrens, P., & Haug, R. J. (2024). Locally controlled MOF growth on functionalized carbon nanotubes. Communications Materials, 5, Article 38.
Fegelein, D., Hanisch, D., Propper, M., Schilling, M., Hampel, B., & Schubert, M. (2024). Superconducting NbTi Radiofrequency Resonator for Surface ion Traps. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34(3), 1-3. Article 1700403.
Fitzek, F., Kirsten-Siemß, J.-N., Rasel, E. M., Gaaloul, N., & Hammerer, K. (2024). Accurate and efficient Bloch-oscillation-enhanced atom interferometry. Physical Review Research, 6(3), Article L032028.,
Fuchs, E., Kirk, F., Madge, E., Paranjape, C., Peik, E., Perez, G., Ratzinger, W., & Tiedau, J. (2024). Implications of the laser excitation of the Th-229 nucleus for dark matter searches. Advance online publication.
Galke, N., Van Luijk, L., & Wilming, H. (2024). Sufficiency of Rényi divergences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70(7), 5057-5076. Article 10472942.,
Garcion, C., Bouton, Q., Lecoffre, J., Fabre, N., Charron, É., Dutier, G., & Gaaloul, N. (2024). Quantum description of atomic diffraction by material nanostructures. Physical Review Research, 6(2), Article 023165.,
Georgieva, H., Stepanov, P., Sewidan, L., Pishchagin, A., López, M., & Kück, S. (2024). Metrological characterization of a commercial single-photon source with high photon flux emission. METROLOGIA, 61(5), Article 054001.
Gnezdilov, V., Glamazda, A., Tsurkan, V., & Lemmens, P. (2024). Charge-ordering and spin-dimerization transition in CuIr2 S4: Lattice dynamics confirms octamer correlations. Physical Review Materials, 8(9), Article 095002.
Greinert, F., & Müller, R. (2024). European competence framework for quantum technologies (CFQT): Reference framework for planning, mapping and comparing QT-related educational activities, personal qualification and job requirements .
Grotti, J., Nosske, I., Koller, S. B., Herbers, S., Denker, H., Timmen, L., Vishnyakova, G., Grosche, G., Waterholter, T., Kuhl, A., Koke, S., Benkler, E., Giunta, M., Maisenbacher, L., Matveev, A., Dörscher, S., Schwarz, R., Al-Masoudi, A., Hänsch, T. W., ... Lisdat, C. (2024). Long-distance chronometric leveling with a portable optical clock. Physical review applied, 21(6), Article L061001.
Gupta, S., Javanmard, Y., Osborne, T. J., & Santos, L. (2024). Simulation of a Rohksar-Kivelson ladder on a NISQ device. Advance online publication.
Gurs, J., Bode, N., Darsow-Fromm, C., Vahlbruch, H., Gewecke, P., Steinlechner, S., Willke, B., & Schnabel, R. (2024). Conversion of 30 W laser light at 1064 nm to 20 W at 2128 nm and comparison of relative power noise. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 41(24), Article 245008.
Haslinger, P., Nimmrichter, S., & Rätzel, D. (2024). Spin resonance spectroscopy with an electron microscope. Quantum Science and Technology, 9(3), Article 035051.
Haverland, N., Brockmüller, E., Kranert, F., Neumann, J., & Kracht, D. (2024). Optimizing fiber component manufacturing by observing the modal composition and PER in real-time. In A. L. Glebov, & P. O. Leisher (Eds.), Components and Packaging for Laser Systems X Article 1286606 (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12866). SPIE.