Cold Atoms in Space

Implementing new ideas in fundamental quantum gases physics in the BECCAL orbital ISS facility to benefit from extended microgravity.


  • Explore fundamental aspects in cold and ultra-cold physics
  • Foster collaborations and common publications of QuantumFrontiers scientists and externals
  • Identify science cases where extended microgravity is opening new avenues
  • Prepare for future space experiments and enhance the involvement of QuantumFrontiers scientists
  • Create a platform for frequent multi-disciplinary discussions


  • Quantum mechanics tests
  • Quantum bubbles
  • Tunneling physicsFeshbach molecules
  • Atom-surface physics
  • Scalar Bose gases in light boxes
  • Squeezing experiments
  • Atomic transport and quantum state engineering

Scientific Output

  • Publications


    Heine H, Arnold AS, Le Gonidec M, Griffin PF, Riis E, Herr W et al. A compact high-flux grating chip cold atom source. New Journal of Physics. 2025 Mär 14;27(3):033019. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/adbc14
    Herbst A, Estrampes T, Albers H, Vollenkemper V, Stolzenberg K, Bode S et al. High-flux source system for matter-wave interferometry exploiting tunable interactions. Physical Review Research. 2024 Feb 2;6(1):013139. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.6.013139
    Herbst A, Estrampes T, Albers H, Corgier R, Stolzenberg K, Bode S et al. Matter-wave collimation to picokelvin energies with scattering length and potential shape control. Communications Physics. 2024 Apr 25;7(1):132. doi: 10.1038/s42005-024-01621-w
    Korshynska K, Ulbricht S. Generalized Josephson effect in an asymmetric double-well potential at finite temperatures. Physical Review A. 2024 Apr 24;109(4):043321. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.043321

TG Members

  • Involved Members and their Relevant Expertise
    Members Institution Relevant Expertise
    Naceur Gaaloul, Leader LUH Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Ernst M. Rasel LUH Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Carsten Klempt LUH Quantum gases – non-classical states
    Dennis Schlippert LUH Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Sven Abend LUH Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Baptist Piest LUH Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Christian Schubert DLR Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Waldemar Herr DLR Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Holger Ahlers DLR Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Sven Herrmann ZARM Quantum gases – Inertial sensing
    Silke Ospelkaus LUH Exotic Spin Systems with Molecules; Application of Ultracold Molecular Systems for Precision Measurements and Quantum Many-Body Physics
    Meike List DLR Space Mission Simulator
    Benny Rievers ZARM Space Mission Simulator
    Christoph Lotz LUH Microgravity experiments
    Luis Santos LUH Theory of Dynamics of Manybody Quantum Systems
    Klemens Hammerer LUH Theory of quantum optics, coupling to general relativity
    Elina Fuchs LUH High Energy Physics with Cold Atoms
    Jürgen Müller LUH Relativistic Geodesy; LLR Relativity Test; Application of Quantum Gravimetry
    Christian Ospelkaus LUH/PTB Scalable Surface-Electrode Ion Traps; Integrated Microwave and RF Control Elements
    Vitali Müller AEI Laser Interferometer modelling; LRI on GRACE-FO and for NGGM; Data Analysis
    Gudrun Wanner AEI Optical simulations
    Tanja Mehlstäubler PTB Precision spectroscopy in In+ and Yb+ ions; Test of LLI
    Peter Weßels LZH Laser Development
    Sebastian Ulbricht PTB Cavity physics, interface with gravity
    Yuriy Bidasyuk PTB Interaction of twisted light with Bose-Einstein condensates
    Boris Chichkov LUH Nanoscale Materials Processing
    Stefanie Kroker TUBS Complex Coupled High Index Waveguide Arrays ; Photonic Nanomaterials in the Strong Optomechanical Coupling Regime
    Andrey Surzhykov PTB Light-Matter Interfaces and Dynamics
    Hendrik Heine LUH Atom chips design and fabrication
    Kai Frye LUH Space BEC experiments, atom engineered optical traps
    Dorthe Leopoldt LUH Biophotonics
    Pallav Mohan PTB DM/DE, high-energy physics
    Dennis Rätzel ZARM Theory of atom-light interactions in the interface with Gravity
    Mouine Abidi LUH BEC interferometry, inertial sensing
    Christian Lisdat PTB Optical, portable clocks
    Christoph Künzler LUH Atom chips fabrication
    Heiner Denker LUH  
    Annie Pichery LUH Quantum mixtures, transport
    Christian Struckmann LUH Space GR tests
    Florian Fitzek LUH Atom interferometry theory
    Gabriel Müller LUH Atom chip designs, optical simulations
    Gina Kleinsteinberg LUH Space GR tests
    Matthew Glaysher LUH Trapped atom interferometry theory
    Hannah Paltzer LUH Trapped atom interferometry theory
    Jan-Niclas Siemß LUH Atom interferometry theory
    Rui Li LUH Atom interferometry simulations
    Stefan Seckmeyer LUH Atom interferometry simulations, optical simulations
    Sascha de Wall LUH Atom chips fabrication
    Saskia Bondza DLR/PTB Optical clocks
    Alexander Kassner LUH Atom chips fabrication