QuantumFrontiers Current Events
Workshop Structured Light and Matter

Structured Light and Matter

Dear colleagues, we would like to invite you to the summer workshop on Structured Light and Matter in Braunschweig and within the cluster of excellence Quantum Frontiers. This year's workshop will be the third in the series. The previous two were successfully held in 2023 and 2024 and have established themselves as a platform for informal and very fruitful discussions among the community and international experts. This year's workshop will address many current issues in the production, fundamental properties and applications of structured light and particle beams. We anticipate a number of prominent presentations from both experimental and theoretical fields. In particular, the following topics will be discussed:

  • Ultra-short structured light pulses
  • Vortex electrons and neutrons and their applications
  • Structured light propagation through media
  • Interaction of vortex light with soft matter
  • Probing of chirality of molecules and liquid crystals
  • Operation of atomic and nuclear-clock transitions
  • Classical and quantum information transfer

The workshop will be held at the PTB campus (in the large seminar room of Kohlrausch-Bau) on 5-6 June 2025.

We would like to invite you to give an oral or a poster presentation, or to attend the conference without giving a presentation. To make your plans known, we ask you to register for the workshop. Please note that there will be no conference fee.

Registration Deadline: 31st of May

PTB campus (Kohlrausch Bau), Braunschweig

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Structured Light and Matter

June 5th - June 6th 2025


Local Support Team

  • Sophia Strnat
  • Riaan Schmidt