QuantumFrontiers Entrepreneur Excellence Programme

© Jan Hosan/TU Braunschweig

The QuantumFrontiers Entrepreneur Excellence Programme (QuEEP) ensures that cutting-edge research from QuantumFrontiers can be quickly and efficiently transferred into applications. Only if the research results also represent progress for society, they will become visible and usable on a broad scale.

The QuantumFrontiers Entrepreneur Excellence Programme (QuEEP) ensures that cutting-edge research from QuantumFrontiers can be quickly and efficiently transferred into applications. Only if the research results also represent progress for society, they will become visible and usable on a broad scale.

Through QuEEP, scientists in the cluster are identified and motivated to view their basic research results through the eyes of potential users. This helps to ensure that "real" products emerge from top-level research.

QuEEP supports - specifically tailored to the requirements of the scientist - by two essential components:

  • Monetary support: Personnel costs are covered so that space and time is created for further development from the idea to the product.
  • Ideal support: Valuable first-hand experience can be passed on through individual workshops, a large network, and mentors who themselves come from the start-up scene.

These components give our scientists the certainty that the planned spin-off does not have to represent a large financial or personal risk.


Dr.-Ing. Heiko Brüning (MBA)
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Brüning (MBA)



Transferring scientific findings into "real" products

The FoundersClass is a participatory workshop series addressing the topic of transfer and spin-off. It is open to all members of QF. It doesn't matter whether there is already a concrete business idea or whether the focus is on introducing people to the topic of founding a company. The aim of the FoundersClass is to sensitize scientists to the topics of transfer and founding through impulses and interactive workshops and to provide them with the necessary know-how for the successful transfer of their own research results into application.

The FoundersClass is organized in cooperation between QuantumFrontiers and HighTech Startbahn GmbH (HTSB). HTSB has an active network in the high-tech start-up environment as well as many years of experience in advising and supporting technological spin-offs from research.

Upcoming events

07 Nov
07. Nov. 2024 | 14:30 - 17:00
Lecture Session
Founders Class: Investors
05 Dec
05. Dec. 2024 | 14:30 - 17:00
Lecture Session
Founders Class: BizDev, Sales & Marketing
16 Jan
16. Jan. 2025 | 14:30 - 17:00
Lecture Session
Founders Class: Account Management
06 Feb
06. Feb. 2025 | 14:30 - 17:00
Lecture Session
Founders Class: Pitch Event