Tailored quantum systems, such as non-classical states of matter and light, have been realised by us, opening new avenues to be explored, e.g. towards entanglement-enhanced interferometry and interferometry below the standard quantum limit, which surpasses any classical measurement scheme. QuantumFrontiers is targeting the design of quantum states of matter and their use for enhanced metrology, enabling tests of our understanding of fundamental physics at unprecedented levels. QuantumFrontiers will extend this to photonic and solid-state many-body systems, exploring the rich links between these fields, including the properties of two-dimensional and topological materials, or the field of non-equilibrium many-body quantum systems. These research units create quantum systems with novel functional features for future precision metrology. The systems range from single-electron and photon sources, quantum dots, ultracold molecules, coherent atomic ensembles, highly-charged and molecular ions, to quantum degenerate gases. They open up possibilities for sub-wavelength manipulation of light, bottom-up metrology with single quantum systems and interferometry with strong non-classical correlations.

30167 Hannover