QuantumFrontiers Current Events
The Changing Earth - Von Einstein zur Atmosphäre
14 Nov
14. Nov. 2024 | 17:00 - 19:00

The Changing Earth - Von Einstein zur Atmosphäre

With the lecture series ‘The Changing Earth’, TerraQ addresses the current topic of climate change and combines it with its own research. The invited speakers present climate-relevant processes and a TerraQ member explains how their research can improve the observation and evaluation of such phenomena.

This year, the focus is on satellite missions to measure climate-relevant processes and the role Einstein's general theory of relativity plays in this.

The lecture will be held in German and registration is possible until 8 November. 


  • Dr. Dennis Philipp (Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity, University of Bremen)
  • Prof. Dr. Justus Notholt (Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Bremen)

Event organiser/s

Collaborative Research Center TerraQ – Relativistic and Quantum-based Geodesy


14. Nov. 2024
17:00 - 19:00

Registration deadline

08. November 2024


Königlicher Pferdestall
Building: 3440
Appelstraße 7
30167 Hannover
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