QuantumFrontiers Current Events
TG Quantum Sensors for Geodetical Observations and Relativistic Geodesy
28 Apr
28. Apr. 2022 | 13:00 - 15:00
Interne Veranstaltung

TG Quantum Sensors for Geodetical Observations and Relativistic Geodesy

Next meeting of the Topical Group Quantum sensors for geodetical observations and relativistic geodesy

Anne-Karin Cooke (now BGR), Andreas Güntner (GFZ) and Marvin Reich (GFZ) will present their work using the AQG of MuQuans and give us insights of their first evaluations of its performance. (See as well: https://gi.copernicus.org/articles/10/65/2021/)


28. Apr. 2022
13:00 - 15:00

Contact information

Waldemar Herr



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