If you have any questions, please contact office@quantumfrontiers.uni-hannover.de.
We have blocked a contingent of 90 rooms for the International Advisory Board, the QF Board, the QF Science Board and participants with further travel (Braunschweig and further away). PhD students will be accommodated in double rooms. If you wish to stay overnight, please indicate your arrival and departure dates.
For all participating QF-members, economy-class travel expenses will be reimbursed as per Niedersächsische Reisekostenverordnung (NRKVO) and Verwaltungsvorschriften zur Niedersächsischen Reisekostenverordnung (VV-NRKVO) (German Federal Travel Expense Law and the respective Lower Saxony Implementation Rules). Daily allowance won’t be paid. Further information: https://voris.wolterskluwer-online.de/browse/document/30168d0a-064f-3b44-9fb4-1efbdb082c57 Don’t forget to fill out your business trip request.