Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers – 390837967
Showing results 651 - 684 out of 684
Hampel, B., Tollkuhn, M., Elenskiy, I., Martens, M., Kajevic, D., & Schilling, M. (2019). Josephson cantilevers for THz microscopy of additive manufactured diffractive optical components. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29(5), Article 8630090.
Hartmann, T., Schulze, T. A., Voges, K. K., Gersema, P., Gempel, M. W., Tiemann, E., Zenesini, A., & Ospelkaus, S. (2019). Feshbach resonances in Na 23 + K 39 mixtures and refined molecular potentials for the NaK molecule. Physical Review A, 99(3), Article 032711.
Herbers, S., Dörscher, S., Benkler, E., & Lisdat, C. (2019). Phase noise of frequency doublers in optical clock lasers. Optics express, 27(16), 23262-23273.
Horenburg, P., Bremers, H., Imlau, R., Rossow, U., & Hangleiter, A. (2019). Microscopic analysis of interface composition dynamics in m-plane alinn. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58(SC), Article SC1008.
Isleif, K. S., Heinzel, G., Mehmet, M., & Gerberding, O. (2019). Compact Multifringe Interferometry with Subpicometer Precision. Physical Review Applied, 12(3), Article 034025.,,
Jusko, C., Sridhar, A., Appi, E., Shi, L., Morgner, U., & Kovacev, M. (2019). Filamentation-assisted plasma lifetime measurements in atomic and molecular gases via third-harmonic enhancement. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36(12), 3505-3513.
Koch, P., Cole, G. D., Deutsch, C., Follman, D., Heu, P., Kinley-Hanlon, M., Kirchhoff, R., Leavey, S., Lehmann, J., Oppermann, P., Rai, A. K., Tornasi, Z., Wöhler, J., Wu, D. S., Zederbauer, T., & Lück, H. (2019). Thickness uniformity measurements and damage threshold tests of large-area GaAs/AlGaAs crystalline coatings for precision interferometry. Optics express, 27(25), 36731-36740.,
Koke, S., Kuhl, A., Waterholter, T., Raupach, S. M. F., Lopez, O., Cantin, E., Quintin, N., Amy-Klein, A., Pottie, P. E., & Grosche, G. (2019). Combining fiber Brillouin amplification with a repeater laser station for fiber-based optical frequency dissemination over 1400 km. New journal of physics, 21(12), Article 123017.
Kristensen, M. A., Christensen, M. B., Gajdacz, M., Iglicki, M., Pawłowski, K., Klempt, C., Sherson, J. F., Rzazewski, K., Hilliard, A. J., & Arlt, J. J. (2019). Observation of Atom Number Fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate. Physical Review Letters, 122(16), Article 163601.,
Liu, B., Thielert, B., Reutter, A., Stosch, R., & Lemmens, P. (2019). Quantifying the Contribution of Chemical Enhancement to SERS: A Model Based on the Analysis of Light-Induced Degradation Processes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(31), 19119-19124.
Loriani Fard, S. L., Schlippert, D., Schubert, C., Abend, S., Ahlers, H., Ertmer, W., Rudolph, J., Hogan, J. M., Kasevich, M. A., Rasel, E. M., & Gaaloul, N. (2019). Atomic source selection in space-borne gravitational wave detection. New Journal of Physics, 21(6), Article 063030.
Maksimov, A. A., Filatov, E. V., Tartakovskii, I. I., Yakovlev, D. R., & Waag, A. (2019). Direct Measurements of the Picosecond Kinetics of Heating of a Spin Subsystem in Semimagnetic Semiconducting Nanostructures. JETP letters, 110(12), 799-803.
Mehmet, M., & Vahlbruch, H. (2019). High-efficiency squeezed light generation for gravitational wave detectors. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(1), Article 015014.,
Mitoudi-Vagourdi, E., Rienmüller, J., Lemmens, P., Gnezdilov, V., Kremer, R. K., & Johnsson, M. (2019). Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of the KCu(IO3)3 Compound with [CuO5]∞ Chains. ACS Omega, 4(12), 15168-15174.
Müller, J., Murphy, T. W., Schreiber, U., Shelus, P. J., Torre, J. M., Williams, J. G., Boggs, D. H., Bouquillon, S., Bourgoin, A., & Hofmann, F. (2019). Lunar Laser Ranging: A tool for general relativity, lunar geophysics and Earth science. Journal of geodesy, 93(11), 2195-2210.
Oelker, E., Hutson, R. B., Kennedy, C. J., Sonderhouse, L., Bothwell, T., Goban, A., Kedar, D., Sanner, C., Robinson, J. M., Marti, G. E., Matei, D. G., Legero, T., Giunta, M., Holzwarth, R., Riehle, F., Sterr, U., & Ye, J. (2019). Demonstration of 4.8 × 10−17 stability at 1 s for two independent optical clocks. Nature photonics, 13(10), 714-719.
Patwari, J., Joshi, H., Mandal, H., Roy, L., Bhattacharya, C., Lemmens, P., & Pal, S. K. (2019). Exciton dissociation in an NIR-active triohybrid nanocrystal leading to efficient generation of reactive oxygen species. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(20), 10667-10676.
Peshkov, A. A., Fritzsche, S., & Surzhykov, A. (2019). Scattering of twisted light from a crystal. Physica scripta, 94(10), Article 105402.
Pezzè, L., Gessner, M., Feldmann, P., Klempt, C., Santos, L., & Smerzi, A. (2019). Heralded Generation of Macroscopic Superposition States in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate. Physical Review Letters, 123(26), Article 260403.,
Rakov, M. V., & Weyrauch, M. (2019). Spin- 12 XXZ Heisenberg chain in a longitudinal magnetic field. Physical Review B, 100(13), Article 134434.
Schulz, S. A. L., Fritzsche, S., Müller, R. A., & Surzhykov, A. (2019). Modification of multipole transitions by twisted light. Physical Review A, 100(4), Article 043416.
Schulz, F., Budich, J. C., Novik, E. G., Recher, P., & Trauzettel, B. (2019). Voltage-tunable Majorana bound states in time-reversal symmetric bilayer quantum spin Hall hybrid systems. Physical Review B, 100(16), Article 165420.
Shi, L., Cardoso de Andrade, J. R., Tajalli Seifi, A., Geng, J., Yi, J., Heidenblut, T., Segerink, F. B., Babushkin, I., Kholodtsova, M., Merdji, H., Bastiaens, B., Morgner, U., & Kovacev, M. (2019). Generating Ultrabroadband Deep-UV Radiation and Sub-10 nm Gap by Hybrid-Morphology Gold Antennas. Nano Letters, 19(7), 4779-4786.
Shi, L., Andrade, J. R. C., Yi, J., Marinskas, M., Reinhardt, C., Almeida, E., Morgner, U., & Kovacev, M. (2019). Nanoscale Broadband Deep-Ultraviolet Light Source from Plasmonic Nanoholes. ACS Photonics, 6(4), 858-863.
Tino, G. M., Bassi, A., Bianco, G., Bongs, K., Bouyer, P., Cacciapuoti, L., Capozziello, S., Chen, X., Chiofalo, M. L., Derevianko, A., Ertmer, W., Gaaloul, N., Gill, P., Graham, P. W., Hogan, J. M., Iess, L., Kasevich, M. A., Katori, H., Klempt, C., ... Zhan, M. (2019). SAGE: A proposal for a space atomic gravity explorer. European Physical Journal D, 73(11), Article 228.,
Trimeche, A., Battelier, B., Becker, D., Bertoldi, A., Bouyer, P., Braxmaier, C., Charron, E., Corgier, R., Cornelius, M., Douch, K., Gaaloul, N., Herrmann, S., Müller, J., Rasel, E., Schubert, C., Wu, H., & Pereira Dos Santos, F. (2019). Concept study and preliminary design of a cold atom interferometer for space gravity gradiometry. Classical and quantum gravity, 36(21), Article 215004.,
von der Wense, L. C., Seiferle, B., Schneider, C., Jeet, J., Amersdorffer, I., Arlt, N., Zacherl, F., Haas, R., Renisch, D., Mosel, P., Mosel, P., Kovacev, M., Morgner, U., Düllmann, C. E., Hudson, E. R., & Thirolf, P. G. (2019). The concept of laser-based conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy for a precise energy determination of 229m Th. Hyperfine Interactions, 240(1), Article 23. Advance online publication.,
Wasisto, H. S., Prades, J. D., Gülink, J., & Waag, A. (2019). Beyond solid-state lighting: Miniaturization, hybrid integration, and applications of GaN nano-and micro-LEDs. Applied physics reviews, 6(4).
Whitlock, S., Wildhagen, H., Weimer, H., & Weidemüller, M. (2019). Diffusive to Nonergodic Dipolar Transport in a Dissipative Atomic Medium. Physical review letters, 123(21), Article 213606.,
Zajaček, M., Tursunov, A., Eckart, A., Britzen, S., Hackmann, E., Karas, V., Stuchlík, Z., Czerny, B., & Zensus, J. A. (2019). Constraining the charge of the Galactic centre black hole. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1258(1), Article 012031.,
Zarantonello, G., Hahn, H., Schulte, M., Bautista-Salvador, A., Werner, R. F., Hammerer, K., Ospelkaus, C., & Morgner, J. (2019). Robust and Resource-Efficient Microwave Near-Field Entangling ^{9}Be^{+} Gate. Physical review letters, 123(26), Article 260503.,
Zhao, Y. Y., Xiang, G. Y., Hu, X. M., Liu, B. H., Li, C. F., Guo, G. C., Schwonnek, R., & Wolf, R. (2019). Entanglement Detection by Violations of Noisy Uncertainty Relations: A Proof of Principle. Physical review letters, 122(22), Article 220401.,
Zopf, M., Keil, R., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Chen, D., Ding, F., & Schmidt, O. G. (2019). Entanglement Swapping with Semiconductor-Generated Photons Violates Bell's Inequality. Physical review letters, 123(16), Article 160502.,
The Virgo Collaboration, Vahlbruch, H., Lück, H., Danzmann, K., & Mehmet, M. (2019). Increasing the Astrophysical Reach of the Advanced Virgo Detector via the Application of Squeezed Vacuum States of Light. Physical review letters, 123(23), Article 231108.