With QFIRS, the QuantumFrontiers International Research School, the cluster not only promotes the specialised training of early career researchers, but also supports the acquisition of complementary skills and inter-institutional exchange between different research groups. An important QFIRS format are the Lecture Weeks: intensive, one-week events that take place three times a year and deal with key topics.
The first Lecture Week of the year took place together with the TerraQ Research Training Group from 10 to 14 February at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. More than 20 participants exchanged views on innovative techniques for monitoring climate change. In addition to lectures, networking sessions with alumni offered career insights, while guided tours showcased climate monitoring instruments, including historical Michelson interferometers, modern GPS stations and quantum gravimetry experiments.
A detailed report can be found here