38116 Braunschweig

38116 Braunschweig
Who are you and what is the topic of your research group?
My name is Ralf Behr and we develop new quantum-based measurement methods and quantum systems for electrical precision metrology using the Josephson effect.
Which research question are you working on?
We are currently expanding the application possibilities of so-called Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizers (JAWS) as generators and measuring devices (source-measurement units). We are working on JAWS for universal Josephson impedance measurement bridges and programmable Josephson voltage standards as perfect reference standards for a variety of applications.
What makes this topic special/exciting for you?
That even after 60 years after the discovery of the Josephson effect, there are still new applications and possibilities for improvement.
How does your topic help to push the boundaries of what can be measured?
We are constantly expanding the applications of our quantum standards, improving measurement uncertainties in areas where quantum standards are being used for the first time.
What is special about participating in the QuantumFrontiers cluster of excellence?
The Contact with other motivated scientists, and to discover what is possible.