QuantumFrontiers Forschung Highlights
Zwei Editors' Suggestions für neue Veröffentlichungen über topologische Systeme

Zwei Editors' Suggestions für neue Veröffentlichungen über topologische Systeme

Die Topical Group "Topological Systems" befasst sich mit der Erforschung topologischer Konzepte in Systemen kondensierter Materie und der Erzeugung, Detektion und Manipulation topologisch geschützter Anregungen. Patrik Recher, Leiter der Gruppe, und sein Team haben kürzlich zwei Artikel in der Zeitschrift Physical Review B veröffentlicht, die als Editors' Suggestions ausgewählt wurden:

Photonic cross-noise spectroscopy of Majorana bound states
L. Bittermann, F. Dominguez, and P. Recher
Phys. Rev. B 110, 045429

Distinguishing Majorana bound states (MBSs) from trivial states remains challenging. The authors propose a new route to probe two fundamental properties of MBSs using optically active quantum dots coupled to MBSs embedded in a 𝑝𝑛𝑝 setup. The presence of a nonlocal superconducting order parameter enables the emission of two correlated photons, whose polarization-resolved cross-noise provides direct information on the pairing spin texture and the number of MBSs, thus differentiating a trivial scenario from a topological one.

Effects of spin-orbit coupling in a valley chiral kagome network
P. Wittig, F. Dominguez, and P. Recher
Phys. Rev. B 109, 245429

Chern mosaic systems exhibit weakly protected chiral modes propagating in the bulk of the material. This novel phase of matter has recently been found in twisted bilayer graphene and double-aligned graphene-hexagonal boron nitride. The authors investigate the spectrum and transport properties of a valley chiral kagome scattering network. The interplay of the network geometry, magnetic field, and spin-orbit coupling gives rise to peculiar interference phenomena, including a sizable zero-field spin polarization of the conductance.